Thursday 28 November 2013

Licenced already.

We’ve had a manic couple of days –replacing both the freezer and the washing machine (it never rains but it pours!) 


However, on Tuesday we were very surprised to receive next years boat licence 3 working days after we’d posted it.  That must be a record – or can somebody beat it!


Not much else to blog about until tomorrow but yesterday we took a walk along the sea wall – it was so calm and still you could have heard a pin drop.  The sea was the same colour as the sky so the horizon was impossible to detect and a hundred yards off shore, in the mirror calm sea, was this lone fisherman loading his catch into his dinghy.  Picture book stuff or what.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Both
    When I used to sail out of the Thames we experienced that type of sea and sky once. When you are on a boat with no land in sight you almost feel like you are flying. A great sensation if a little disorientating

    Hope you are both keeping well.
